by David Mikkola | Mar 15, 2024 | blog, Food Safety, Food Sanitation, Uncategorized
This blog is about food sanitation but it’s also about food safety. This includes working safely. The attached poster may help workers know their rights and responsibilities. Another good source of labor rules is the State or National Labor offices....
by David Mikkola | Jan 5, 2024 | blog, Food Safety, Food Sanitation
Spain, Salmonella and Eggs – Foodborne Illness (Note: Background information on Salmonella comes from the Food and Drug Administration’s Bad Bug Book which is an excellent reference guide) Foodborne illness has been reported regarding eggs in Spain, dating...
by Dave Mikkola RS MPH | Sep 27, 2023 | blog
A client was concerned when a labeling and packaging stage was called a critical control point on a hazard risk worksheet. The following actual recall notice illustrates why this stage is indeed critical and must be controlled. The producer of a peanut butter...
by Dave Mikkola RS MPH | Sep 27, 2023 | blog
Food service operations must change menus and practices to survive in a changing, often turbulent marketplace. A recipe is not popular with clients so a few changes are needed. However, can it be adapted to the existing operation, will it satisfy regulatory...
by Dave Mikkola RS MPH | May 26, 2023 | blog
The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) performs a valuable service to the food service industry, evaluating restaurant equipment for both design and performance sanitation standards. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is often linked to NSF; ANSI sets...
by admin | Mar 6, 2023 | blog
Food safety is crucial to running a restaurant or any food business. It is essential to follow the necessary guidelines and regulations to ensure that the food served is safe and healthy for consumption. The Food Safety Mentor is a consulting firm that provides...