Food Service Product Review

Food Service Product Review

Food service operations must change menus and practices to survive in a changing, often turbulent marketplace. A recipe is not popular with clients so a few changes are needed. However, can it be adapted to the existing operation, will it satisfy regulatory...
Seven Day Rule – Why Is It Important?

Seven Day Rule – Why Is It Important?

Date Marking Retail Food Protection Poster featuring Young Boy_ English Version 1Date Marking Retail Food Protection Poster featuring Young Boy_ English Version 1Many jurisdictions require a storage limit for ready to eat foods. (Remember the definition of ‘ready to...
Oysters and Foodborne Illness

Oysters and Foodborne Illness

You may have heard about recent cases of foodborne illness and oysters. According to the Food Safety News (3/22/2023) 170 cases of illness were reported, in Europe and Hong Kong, from eating raw oysters. Samples from oyster batches in the Netherlands, France, and...