by Dave Mikkola RS MPH | Sep 27, 2023 | blog
A client was concerned when a labeling and packaging stage was called a critical control point on a hazard risk worksheet. The following actual recall notice illustrates why this stage is indeed critical and must be controlled. The producer of a peanut butter...
by Dave Mikkola RS MPH | Sep 27, 2023 | blog
Food service operations must change menus and practices to survive in a changing, often turbulent marketplace. A recipe is not popular with clients so a few changes are needed. However, can it be adapted to the existing operation, will it satisfy regulatory...
by Dave Mikkola RS MPH | May 26, 2023 | blog
The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) performs a valuable service to the food service industry, evaluating restaurant equipment for both design and performance sanitation standards. The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is often linked to NSF; ANSI sets...
by Dave Mikkola RS MPH | May 16, 2023 | Food Safety
Date Marking Retail Food Protection Poster featuring Young Boy_ English Version 1Date Marking Retail Food Protection Poster featuring Young Boy_ English Version 1Many jurisdictions require a storage limit for ready to eat foods. (Remember the definition of ‘ready to...
by Dave Mikkola RS MPH | Mar 1, 2023 | blog
You may have heard about recent cases of foodborne illness and oysters. According to the Food Safety News (3/22/2023) 170 cases of illness were reported, in Europe and Hong Kong, from eating raw oysters. Samples from oyster batches in the Netherlands, France, and...